Working with 21st Century Group is very simple. All we need to get started are program specs, date range, destination preferences and the type of property needed. Special meeting space requirements, suite needs and staff rooms
should also be included. Once that information is received and at your request, we will initiate the following services at no cost to you. Throughout this process, we will act as your "point person" until you say otherwise.
- Identify properties that meet your requirements and make initial contact with those properties in the areas under consideration. If requested, we will contact specific properties on your behalf or we will contact all properties in an area
that fall within your parameters.
- Proposals will be made out to you and collected by us. Once received, the proposals will be reviewed for accuracy and the highlights will be summarized in spreadsheet form and presented to you. If preferred, proposals can be sent directly
to you and the properties will follow-up with you directly.
- Based on the initial guidelines you provided, we will make qualified recommendations on which properties are best suited for your program and which properties offer the best value.
- Arrange site inspections of properties under final consideration.
- Once you've decided on a property and at your request, we will assist with rate negotiation, comp concessions, meeting room rental, suite requirements, upgrades, staff accommodations etc.
- In addition, we will review deposit schedules, cut-off dates and rooming list requirements. Special focus is given to attrition, cancellation and other contract clauses that could be problematic if not addressed properly
in the negotiation stage.