If you are thinking about using a hotel site selection company for assistance with your meetings there are a number of things to consider. Size, experience and range of services are but a few considerations. When qualifying a
company to provide hotel site selection services, we recommend that an organization review the following areas of expertise.
- Years in operation
- Tenure and experience of account representative
- Client list
- References and testimonials
- Number of meetings per year
- Industry reputation
Destination & Industry Knowledge
- Capacity to work with client preferred destinations and properties
- Destination expertise (e.g. U.S. vs. international or downtown vs. resort
- Industry Contacts
- Awareness of new properties, expansions and renovations
- Trends in contracting (attrition, F&B minimums, new types of charges, etc.)
- Range of services
- Client Communication Process
- Frequency of communication
- Presentation of search results
- Response time
- Cost
Additional Considerations
- Ability to work with multiple contacts in client organization
- Geographic location of offices
- Ability to deal with experienced and inexperienced planners
- Availability of account representative throughout process
- Lead time required to book meeting
- Site inspection arrangements
- Overall philosophy of site selection company